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Heal - Shift - Transform

My intention is to help you forget what you remember and remember what you forget. In doing so, you come into a more empowered state, you achieve so much internal peace, abundance, and satisfaction, things just flow in your life and you feel so much more at ease and supported. I help you to realize that you can have all that you want in your reality and that the Universe is working WITH you, not against you.

To change your reality, you get to change what you hold inside and shift your energy to what you do want. I guide you back into alignment with your desired reality by releasing the root cause of your triggers along the associated patterns and behaviors and guide you in reprogramming your life to what you want to feel and achieve in Relationships, Lifestyle, Money, Family, Physical, Mental and Emotional Health.

How would it feel to know that you can wipe the board clean and create a life under your circumstances, that the past doesn't have to dictate you anymore and that the power has been within you all along.


(Schedule a free 30 minute consultation)

I am an intuitive healer and coach for women who feel stuck, not enough and unfulfilled in their life so that they feel a true sense of inner freedom, feel empowered to be themselves unapologetically and know they are the creator of their life!

It’s time to remember your power and start living the life you want!

I have found through my years working with clients that an integral part of the healing process is coaching and accountability. My approach is highly personalized and multifaceted using my intuitive guidance, specialized trainings, as well as my lived experiences in my own life and in working with clients for many years. The magic is in the breakthroughs and clarity you receive, the transformative integration and the empowerment you feel going forward that you are the creator of your life. We work on mindset and identity shifting, shadow work, understanding the ego and your soul and how to talk to the ego to not let it run you, applying energetic and universal principles, spirituality and connection to your self and to your higher source so that you can trust yourself.

I am a trained Reiki Master Teacher in Usui, Holy Fire III, Karuna, Lightarian and Violet and Lavendar Flame Reiki. I am a certified Soul Teacher Intuitive Healer, RYT500 Yoga Teacher and Shamanic Practitioner.

Hey, I’m Brittany (BRiTT)